New Student Orientation Program of Academic Session 2019-20

The School of Life Science and Biotechnology organized a two-week orientation program from July 16-30, 2019 for its newly admitted students of the academic session 2019-20. The orientation program was designed to make the new students aware about the rules and regulations of the University, School of Life Science and Biotechnology and various Departments under…


National Seminar on Interface of Microbiology and Medicine

The Department of Microbiology in the School of Life Science and Biotechnology organised a National Seminar on “Interface of Microbiology and Medicine” at the Adamas University Auditorium with support from Microbiology Society, UK on July 23, 2019. Respected Vice Chancellor of the Adamas University, Professor Madhusudan Chakraborty delivered the inaugural speech. Invited speakers from National…


Summer Visit to Dr. KPC Life Sciences Private Limited

A five-member faculty team from the School of Life Science and Biotechnology visited Dr. KPC Life Sciences Private Limited during the summer break on July 06, 2019. The faculty members were Dr. Joydeep Paul, Dr. Arijit Bhattacharya, Dr. Swarupa Ghosh, Dr. Abinit Saha and Dr. Arindam Mitra. Dr. KPC Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. is a…


Summer Internship Program

A five-day summer internship program was organized by the School of Life Science and Biotechnology at Adamas University from June 10-14, 2019. The program covered lab safety, instrumentation related to modern biology lab and provided hands-on training on microscopy, staining, aseptic and isolation techniques. The training offered the participant an overview of how to perform…


EMBO Short-Term Fellowship program

Award of Highly Prestigious European Molecular Biology Organization Short-Term Fellowship: I, Dr. Neloy Kumar Chakroborty, am employed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology of Adamas University, since June 2017 (Employee ID: 55172). I received my doctoral degree from Freie Universität Berlin, Germany in Neurobiology in 2012. I continued my research in cognitive…
